For all the talk of standards and testing, the academic success of many students hinges upon intangibles, such as the art and music classes, teachers who forge meaningful relationships with students and schools that give students a second chance. Jeffco Public Schools supported these intangibles and fostered success for my son, AJ Oehm.
In third grade, AJ was diagnosed with dyslexia and ADHD. He spent many hours enduring the classroom setting with its worksheets and projects. His grades never reflected his ability. Thankfully, a few wonderful teachers recognized his intellect and calmly tolerate his non-conformity. Without art, music and physical education life in school would have been unbearable.
High school was a series of ups and downs. His learning patterns plagued him academically; non-accelerated classes left him bored and detached. Music, art and tennis fostered positive social connections and success at something other than grades. He skipped core classes in favor of the ceramics studio. His choices led to academic disaster.
After a tumultuous junior year, we found Long View High School, a small but comprehensive alternative option school in Jeffco Public Schools. AJ was willing to make a major change to be in a school that could give him more individualized attention.
The conversations began. Would Long View allow AJ to attend ceramics classes at Wheat Ridge High School? Would Wheat Ridge allow AJ to take ceramics classes without being formally enrolled? These are difficult questions for teachers and administrators to answer, since they require additional communication and lack formal ways to hold people accountable. To everyone’s credit, the answers were, “Yes.”
At Long View, AJ began to love learning; to understand that subject matter presented in creative ways can be inspiring and worthy of his time and attention. His grades became a reflection of his ability. He would graduate, and he would thrive.
In April 2014, AJ received the Margie Vanous Memorial “Best of Show” Award at Jeffco Schools Foundation 43rd annual High School Art Exhibit for his ceramic work called “The Great Migration.”
Wheat Ridge High School art students have a distinguished history and this year received more Scholastic regional honors than any other art magnet school, private or public schools in Colorado. AJ was no exception. He was awarded a silver medal with distinction at the National Scholastic Art & Writing Awards for his portfolio entitled “Industrial Motion” and a gold medal for his ceramic piece “Industrial Mobility.” AJ was the only Colorado artist to be awarded a scholarship for his portfolio.
AJ and his ceramic teacher, Andy Yutzy, accepted their awards at a festive presentation at Carnegie Hall in New York on June 6th. Best of all, AJ is college bound; he will be studying ceramics at the Maryland Institute College of Art in the fall of 2014 supported by a large scholarship.
Submitted by: Dayna Ashley-Oehm (
For more information contact Anton Delgado at 303-982-2212 or