October 24, 2014, Lakewood, CO ~ Recognizing teachers and graduating Jeffco seniors, Jeffco Schools Foundation’s Hero Awards is an annual celebration of the great work that is happening every day in Jeffco Public Schools.
The Hero Awards will be on Wednesday, November 12, 2014 at 5 to 7 p.m. at the Arvada Center for the Arts and Humanities (6901 Wadsworth Blvd., Arvada). Tickets are $45 per person. Jeffco Public Schools employees and retirees are $25 per person. RSVP and ticket sales are atwww.regonline.com/heroawardsbefore November 7th.
“While we were reviewing nominations, we were amazed to find that every one of our honorees never thought that they were doing anything extraordinary,” said Denise Delgado, executive director of Jeffco Schools Foundation. “Our teachers are superstars in their classrooms: engaging, encouraging and going out of their way to educate their students. Our graduating high school students have had to overcome great and monumental health and personal challenges in order to succeed scholastically. They are truly heroic in their lives, inspiring to our Jeffco community and deserving of this recognition.”
Honorees were nominated by their principals and peers and selected by a committee of community members and Jeffco Schools Foundation Board Members and staff. The teacher honorees are: Laurin Haber-Cruz (5th Dual Language), Stein Elementary School; Scott Walker (8th Math), Wheat Ridge 5-8and Franky Scaglione (Art), Wheat Ridge High School.
Student honorees are: Daniil Arushanov, Alameda International High School;Carina Wilson, Jefferson High School;Eli Graham, Two Roads Charter; andHelen Castillo, Wheat Ridge High School.
Thanks to generous donations from Red Rocks Community College and individual supporters, each honored teacher will receive classroom grants, professional development opportunities and more. Students will receive a prize package, which includes a full two-year scholarship to Red Rocks. Event sponsors are Red Rocks Community College and Westerra Credit Union. We gratefully acknowledge the annual support of FirstBank, Kaiser Permanente, Comcast and Wells Fargo.
Read the honoree nominations at http://www.jeffcoschoolsfoundation.org/hero-awards-honorees.html
For more information contact Denise Delgado 303-982-2261 or dldelgad@jeffco.k12.co.us